Tabio Japan 塔比奥日本
本店展售扬名世界、Made in Japan的最新鞋款。同时还销售讲究材质与设计的银座限定商品。
The premium legwear brand Tabio is targeting global markets. We will deliver real legwear made with reliable materials and craftsmanship from Japan's leading Ginza to the world.
The latest legwear from the world-class Made in Japan is always available. In addition, we also offer Ginza limited editions of materials and designs.
- 楼层
- 类别
- 袜子、女士、男士
- 营业时间
- 10:30 - 20:30
- 积分项目
- 对象
- 停车场服务
- 对象
- 免税服务
- 1F免税柜台一次性对应