J.W.C LIBRARY 杰伊.杜布鲁.西伯利亚
在现有店Jule's Whisky Collection的旗舰店“J.W.C LIBRARY”中,不仅是初学者威士忌,为了让爱好者也能更加享受,设计性很高,展示了美丽的瓶子威士忌,还有为了更加享受威士忌的玻璃杯等展开。
At "J.W.C LIBRARY", the flagship store of the existing Jule's Whiskey Collection, not only whiskey beginners but also whiskey enthusiasts can enjoy an exhibition of beautifully designed bottles of whiskey. , We will develop glasses to enjoy whiskey even more. It is a store that can be enjoyed visually through the display of whiskeys lined up like a "library".
- 楼层
- 类别
- 酒吧(威士忌专卖店)
- 营业时间
- 10:30 - 20:30
- 价格标准
- ¥1,000~¥5,000
- 座位数
- 10席
- 预约
- 不可
- 服务项目
- 有英语菜单
- 积分项目
- 对象
- 停车场服务
- 对象
- 免税服务
- 1F免税柜台一次性对应
- 电话号码
- 03-6263-9968